I was able to leave work 3 hours early today so I decided to stop by Disneyland and take a stroll around the park. I headed over to the Mark Twain, Disney's riverboat, to take a picture or two for Pat over at Mille Fiori Favoriti
Just as I walked up to the entrance the boat was coming around the river bend so I decided to hop on for a ride. There were ducks everywhere and they were all in very happy moods. Flapping their wings about and throwing water up all around them. Out of nowhere swooped this large black duck who dove under the water. When he finally surfaced he had this fish in his mouth that was 3 times as big as his head. It was amusing to watch him as he struggled to keep hold it. The next thing I knew he took this giant gulp and the poor fish was down his throat. It reminded me of a cartoon I once saw where a little bird ate everything in sight. Once he had swallowed it, he seemed so delighted with his catch of the day. He swam about and I kept expecting him to jump straight out of the water and do a flip. He didn't of course but that's okay too.
Just as I walked up to the entrance the boat was coming around the river bend so I decided to hop on for a ride. There were ducks everywhere and they were all in very happy moods. Flapping their wings about and throwing water up all around them. Out of nowhere swooped this large black duck who dove under the water. When he finally surfaced he had this fish in his mouth that was 3 times as big as his head. It was amusing to watch him as he struggled to keep hold it. The next thing I knew he took this giant gulp and the poor fish was down his throat. It reminded me of a cartoon I once saw where a little bird ate everything in sight. Once he had swallowed it, he seemed so delighted with his catch of the day. He swam about and I kept expecting him to jump straight out of the water and do a flip. He didn't of course but that's okay too.
After disembarking from the river boat I decided to head for Pooh's Corner to indulge in the yummy sweet that's pictured above. I keep thinking to myself that one day I'm going to make a whole batch of these delightful little treats. I had to take a picture of it for all of you to see. It's a pretzel dipped in caramel, rolled in cashews, and dipped in dark chocolate, then drizzled with milk chocolate. They are the best! And very impressive to look at, don't you think?
Well, I have to run for now. My husband, who receives most of his meals from a 2 x 2 aluminum window would like his dinner now. We're going to the Colonel.