I received my September/October Issue of Victoria Magazine yesterday and it had a beautiful article about Montreal and Quebec City in Canada.
I first heard about Quebec in a December Issue of Victoria years ago and was enchanted by the narrow lanes lined with antiques shoppes that were decorated for the Christmas Holiday. Beside each door stood a small tree clothed in white twinkle lights and covered with a fresh dusting of snow. It was straight out of a fairy tale and from that moment my heart was smitten with a desire to visit this charming little city. Three summers ago that dream was fulfilled when sweet hubby and I boarded a plane and flew to Canada. This was very exciting for two reasons - 1. my dream was coming true and 2 - we were in a plane together for the very first time in our married life, which is quite strange since my hubby has his pilot's license, but that's another story.
Anyway, reading the story put me in a nostalgic mood so I thought I would share some of my photos with you.

Hubby and I by the waterfall. Our tour map said these falls were larger, higher, or something then Niagara. I wasn't quite sure what they meant by that, but we thought it was a great spot to have our picture taken together. Well, as you can see I'm a little fluffier around the edges then I was in my wedding pictures. Life has a strange way of doing things like that!

If you ever make it to Quebec you won't want to miss the Chateau de Frontenac. It is gorgeous! This in one of the interior halls. Don't forget to look up... the ceilings are covered in elaborate details.

This is one of the lower halls of the Chateau.

A petit auberge in Montreal that had the most gorgeous shade of red paint.

This was a darling little cafe in old Quebec, but when I saw what was on the menu I was HORRIFIED! The cafe is called "Lapin Saute." They serve up sweet little bunny rabbits. There was absolutely no way I was going to eat there! After all, I've owned 5 bunnies as an adult. It would be like eating a friend. No thank you! The decor was darling tho.

The entire city is surrounded by a wall with towers and gates. This is just one of them.

Quebec is filled with many cathedrals both large and small. This particular chapel was from the Victorian era and was made from wood. I loved all the periwinkle, gold, and browns together. It was such a darling ceiling.

This was the back side of the Cathedral of St. Anne. This place was huge and beautiful. The interior was all done in mosaic tiles and each of the family chapels had a different motif. This was the first cathedral I had ever visited and it was a bit overwhelming and intimidating, but I loved all the details and statuary. If you'd like more information about this cathedral here's a link: Basilique Sainte-Anne de Beaupre.