Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Shortly after I arrived at work today you could hear thunder rumbling in the distance and I thought for sure it was going to rain, but when I left at 4:15 it was 102 degrees and blistering hot.
It seems the only way to escape this heat is to hide out in the back of my little cottage with the drapes tightly pulled around the windows and wait for the cool of the evening to settle in. Hopefully once the sun goes down I'll be able to open the doors and windows to let in the cool evening breeze.
I don't think I've ever understood the meaning of "Autumn." While the days are shorter they also happen to be hotter, muggier, and just down right uncomfortable. Aren't the leaves supposed to change color and the night air become cooler and crisper?
How I long for winter.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Storing up Treasures
Matthew 6:19-21
Well, this is my new treasure. I've had it for one week and two days and in that very short time it's been hit twice. The first time was in a parking lot by a little Asian woman wearing a floppy goofy hat and steering a rogue shopping cart. The second hit which resulted in a lovely ding on the front door was at the hands of an overly excited child who flung her car door open which slammed into mine and rocked my entire car.
Saturday night on our way home from dinner we were almost involved in a head on collision. The light turned yellow and my husband decided to go through. Well, the guy making a left turn also THOUGHT he could make it through the light RIGHT IN FRONT OF US! I sat there in the passenger seat knowing that my beloved new treasure was going to be totaled, but thanks to my husbands quick reactions we slid completely sideways and came to a screeching halt three feet from the other cars passenger window. I found myself staring in the face of a strange woman and then both men took off and sped away as if this was something they did every day.
Let me tell you, I was terrified! My husband (who always wanted to be a race car driver) said, "wow! can you believe how well this little car handles! Did you see how it came to a complete stop? Can you believe those brakes!" I couldn't say a word. In fact I didn't say a word the rest of the night.
I've learned something through this little new treasure of mine. Or maybe I should say I've been reminded. That all these things we treasure and store up are just "things" that one day will be destroyed and whose worth is only temporal. But please, don't take this as an OK for you to ding my brand new door.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Psalm 139 verse 23

Psalm 139:23
Would you dare pray a prayer like this? Here David is turning over the rights to his inner life to God. In effect, he is simply giving God a search warrant into his very soul! I realize that God knows my thoughts whether I want Him to or not--but that realization is far short of David's honest and transparent prayer, opening himself completely to God. It reminds me of Job's claim to integrity in Job 31:6. He, too, opened himself to God, and because of that openness God blessed him abundantly--more so in his later life than in his earlier, seemingly more prosperous days. Jesus, too, encountered those who opened themselves to Him: men like Nathaniel, women like Mary Magdalene. These, too, gave God a search warrant into the privacy of their inner hearts--and cleansing was the result.
For further thought:
1. Have I ever asked God to "search me"?
2. If I did, what would he find?
Taken from the Book: Today, Lord, I Will
Friday, September 26, 2008
PINK SATURDAY San Diego Style!
The store was filled with beautiful multi -colored butterflies hanging from the shelves.
I was particularly drawn to the pink ones.

I hope everyone has a fun PINK SATURDAY and don't forget to stop by our gracious pink hostess "Beverly" at How Sweet the Sound.
A Final note about Joanne's rearranging SO NO ONE GETS THE WRONG IDEA: I watched her moving this and that here and there and thought to myself, "now I wish I could do that and not be such a chicken!"
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
The Letter J
to an inheritance incorruptible and undefiled and that does not fade away,
reserved in heaven for you,
who are kept by the power of God through faith for salvation ready to be revealed in the last time.
In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while, if need be, you have been grieved by various trials,
that the genuineness of your faith, being much more precious than gold that perishes, though it is tested by fire, may be found to praise, honor, and glory at the revelation of Jesus Christ,
whom having not seen you love.
Though now you do not see Him, yet believing, you rejoice with joy inexpressible and full of glory,
receiving the end of your faith—the salvation of your souls.
For more ABC's through the Word stop by and visit Pam @ Gray Like Snuffie and help us stir up the word in our (your) hearts. Or if you'd like to join us each week just let her know and she'll add you to the list.
Have a blessed day!
Scarecrows Dream
A scarecrows dream
I hang in the hopes of replacement
Castles tall
I built them all
But I dream that I'm trapped in
The basement.
And if you ever hear me calling out
And if you've been by paupers crowned
Between the worlds of men and
I can be found.
Plans Ive made
A masquerade
Fading in fear of the coming day
Heroes tales
Like nightingales
Wrestle the wind as they run away.
And if you ever hear them calling out
And if you've been by paupers crowned
Between the worlds of men and make-
I can be found.
Garden gate
An empty plate
Waiting for someone to come and fill
Scarecrows dreams
Like frozen streams
Thirst for the fall
But they're running still.
And if you ever hear me calling out
And if you've been by paupers crowned
Between the worlds of men and
I can be found.'
Dan Fogelberg
Monday, September 22, 2008

among the gusty trees,
The moon was a ghostly galleon
tossed upon cloudy seas,
The road was a ribbon of moonlight
over the purple moor,
And the highwayman came riding—
The highwayman came riding,
up to the old inn-door.
He'd a French cocked-hat on his forehead,
a bunch of lace at his chin,
A coat of the claret velvet,
and breeches of brown doe-skin;
They fitted with never a wrinkle:
his boots were up to the thigh!
And he rode with a jewelled twinkle,
His pistol butts a-twinkle,
His rapier hilt a-twinkle, under the jewelled sky.
Over the cobbles he clattered
and clashed in the dark inn-yard,
And he tapped with his whip on the shutters,
but all was locked and barred;
He whistled a tune to the window,
and who should be waiting there
But the landlord's black-eyed daughter,
Bess, the landlord's daughter,
Plaiting a dark red love-knot
into her long black hair.
And dark in the dark old inn-yard
a stable-wicket creaked
Where Tim the ostler listened;
his face was white and peaked;
His eyes were hollows of madness,
his hair like mouldy hay,
But he loved the landlord's daughter,
The landlord's red-lipped daughter,
Dumb as a dog he listened,
and he heard the robber say—
"One kiss, my bonny sweetheart,
I'm after a prize to-night,
But I shall be back with the yellow gold
before the morning light;
Yet, if they press me sharply,
and harry me through the day,
Then look for me by moonlight,
Watch for me by moonlight,
I'll come to thee by moonlight,
though hell should bar the way."
He rose upright in the stirrups;
he scarce could reach her hand,
But she loosened her hair i' the casement!
His face burnt like a brand
As the black cascade of perfume
came tumbling over his breast;
And he kissed its waves in the moonlight,
(Oh, sweet, black waves in the moonlight!)
Then he tugged at his rein in the moonliglt,
and galloped away to the West.
He did not come in the dawning;
he did not come at noon;
And out o' the tawny sunset,
before the rise o' the moon,
When the road was a gypsy's ribbon,
looping the purple moor,
A red-coat troop came marching—
King George's men came matching,
up to the old inn-door.
They said no word to the landlord,
they drank his ale instead,
But they gagged his daughter and bound her
to the foot of her narrow bed;
Two of them knelt at her casement,
with muskets at their side!
There was death at every window;
And hell at one dark window;
For Bess could see, through her casement,
the road that he would ride.
They had tied her up to attention,
with many a sniggering jest;
They had bound a musket beside her,
with the barrel beneath her breast!
"Now, keep good watch!" and they kissed her.
She heard the dead man say—
Look for me by moonlight;
Watch for me by moonlight;
I'll come to thee by moonlight,
though hell should bar the way!
She twisted her hands behind her;
but all the knots held good!
She writhed her hands till her fingers
were wet with sweat or blood!
They stretched and strained in the darkness,
and the hours crawled by like years,
Till, now, on the stroke of midnight,
Cold, on the stroke of midnight,
The tip of one finger touched it!
The trigger at least was hers!
The tip of one finger touched it;
she strove no more for the rest!
Up, she stood up to attention,
with the barrel beneath her breast,
She would not risk their hearing;
she would not strive again;
For the road lay bare in the moonlight;
Blank and bare in the moonlight;
And the blood of her veins in the moonlight
throbbed to her love's refrain .
Tlot-tlot; tlot-tlot! Had they heard it?
The horse-hoofs ringing clear;
Tlot-tlot, tlot-tlot, in the distance?
Were they deaf that they did not hear?
Down the ribbon of moonlight,
over the brow of the hill,
The highwayman came riding,
Riding, riding!
The red-coats looked to their priming!
She stood up, straight and still!
Tlot-tlot, in the frosty silence!
Tlot-tlot, in the echoing night!
Nearer he came and nearer!
Her face was like a light!
Her eyes grew wide for a moment;
she drew one last deep breath,
Then her finger moved in the moonlight,
Her musket shattered the moonlight,
Shattered her breast in the moonlight
and warned him—with her death.
He turned; he spurred to the West;
he did not know who stood
Bowed, with her head o'er the musket,
drenched with her own red blood!
Not till the dawn he heard it,
his face grew grey to hear
How Bess, the landlord's daughter,
The landlord's black-eyed daughter,
Had watched for her love in the moonlight,
and died in the darkness there.
Back, he spurred like a madman,
shrieking a curse to the sky,
With the white road smoking
behind him and his rapier brandished high!
Blood-red were his spurs i' the golden noon;
wine-red was his velvet coat,
When they shot him down on the highway,
Down like a dog on the highway,
And he lay in his blood on the highway,
with the bunch of lace at his throat.
* * * * * *
And still of a winter's night,
they say, when the wind is in the trees,
When the moon is a ghostly galleon
tossed upon cloudy seas,
When the road is a ribbon of moonlight
over the purple moor,
A highwayman comes riding—
A highwayman comes riding,
up to the old inn-door.
Over the cobbles he clatters
and clangs in the dark inn-yard;
He taps with his whip on the shutters,
but all is locked and barred;
He whistles a tune to the window,
and who should be waiting there
But the landlord's black-eyed daughter,
Bess, the landlord's daughter,
Plaiting a dark red love-knot
into her long black hair.
The Highwayman: Alfred Noyes
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Isaiah 30:18

Isaiah 30:18
Waiting is a real discipline for me. Tarrying in calmness until God speaks to me is not one of my virtues! For me waiting requires a higher order of faith than does action. After I've done my part if God seems slack in putting things in motion, I find my faith "strangely tested." I need to learn that waiting is a natural and necessary part of spiritual growth. I must remember that my silence can honor God as well as my speech. My restful repose is just as important as my activity. Patient preparation to act is more vital than hasty and ill-conceived actions. Such faith, such calm patience, never loses its reward. "Blessed are all they that wait for Him.
Taken from my favorite book: "Today, Lord, I Will"
Saturday, September 20, 2008

Of Sleuth Wood in the lake,
There lies a leafy island
Where flapping herons wake
The drowsy water rats;
There we've hid our faery vats,
Full of berrys
And of reddest stolen cherries.
Come away, O human child!
To the waters and the wild
With a faery, hand in hand,
For the world's more full of weeping
than you can understand.
Where the wave of moonlight glosses
The dim gray sands with light,
Far off by furthest Rosses
We foot it all the night,
Weaving olden dances
Mingling hands and mingling glances
Till the moon has taken flight;
To and fro we leap
And chase the frothy bubbles,
While the world is full of troubles
And anxious in its sleep.
Come away, O human child!
To the waters and the wild
With a faery, hand in hand,
For the world's more full of weeping
than you can understand.
Where the wandering water gushes
From the hills above Glen-Car,
In pools among the rushes
That scare could bathe a star,
We seek for slumbering trout
And whispering in their ears
Give them unquiet dreams;
Leaning softly out
From ferns that drop their tears
Over the young streams.
Come away, O human child!
To the waters and the wild
With a faery, hand in hand,
For the world's more full of weeping
than you can understand.
Away with us he's going,
The solemn-eyed:
He'll hear no more the lowing
Of the calves on the warm hillside
Or the kettle on the hob
Sing peace into his breast,
Or see the brown mice bob
Round and round the oatmeal chest.
For he comes, the human child,
To the waters and the wild
With a faery, hand in hand,
For the world's more full of weeping
than he can understand.
The Stolen Child
William Butler Yeats
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Ooh La La! Look at zee Frog!

on my blog has the greatest comments.
First I'd like to thank BJ as I love ALL her comments. She posts the funniest remarks and secretly I hope her husband has hidden all the sledge hammers in the house. I have a feeling walls and roofs may not be safe. I'm smiling as I write.
There are other rules to this award, but I can't think of them right now so I'll say I think I'm just supposed to link to my awarded people.
I bequeath this award to the following:
1. My sweet friend Pat who I had the pleasure of meeting in San Diego last week.
2. My funny friend Tara who I wish could have joined us.
3. My little twin Fiffer Lou who I've forced to start blogging.
4. My encouraging friend Becky who is living my dream while restoring her Victorian Cottage.
5. and my brain is getting tired and I have another award!

Oh, BJ, when you stop over just grab it. I know you're looking for more cute fall embellishments.
So thank you, darling ladies. You are both so sweet to have thought about me and I love both awards.
The Letter I

Pam at Gray like Snuffie is hosting The ABC's of the WORD every Thursday and today's letter is I as in "I am late posting and I am just rolling out of bed at 6:45" and, "I am so sorry for my tardiness." So I thought for the Letter "I" would post some scriptures on the "I am' s of God."
One of my favorite ways to study scripture is through cross reference. So here we go.
Exodus 3:14
And God said to Moses, "I AM WHO I AM," and He said, "Thus you shall say to the children of Israel, "I AM has sent me to you."
Isaiah 43: 10 & 11
"You are My witnesses," says the LORD, and My servant whom I have chosen, that you may know and believe Me, and understand that I am He. Before Me there was no God formed, nor shall there be after Me. I, even I am the LORD, and besides Me there is no savior.
Isaiah 43: 13
"Indeed before the day was, I am He; and there is no one who can deliver out of My hand; I work, and who will reverse it?"
Isaiah 43: 15
I am the LORD, your Holy One, The Creator of Israel, your King."
Isaiah 43:25
"I, even I am He who blots out your transgressions for My own sake; and I WILL NOT REMEMBER YOUR SINS."
Isaiah 44:6
"Thus says the LORD, the King of Israel, and his Redeemer, the LORD of hosts: "I am the First and the Last; Besides Me there is no God."
John 8:57 & 58
Then the Jews said to Him, "You are not yet 50 years old, and have You seen Abraham?" Jesus said to them, "Most assuredly I say to you, before Abraham was, I AM."
John 18: 5
"Whom are you seeking?" They answered Him, Jesus of Nazareth." Jesus said to them, "I am He."
Revelation 1:8
" I am the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End," says the Lord, who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty."
If you would like to help us Stir up God's Word in our (your) hearts stop over at Pam's blog Gray Like Snuffie. And now I am (me) going to be late for work. I hope everyone has a day filled with heavenly blessings.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008

He had three points to his message and I'll try to remember them as best as I can.
His words are in italics while my thoughts follow.
1. Obedience is in direct relation to our hunger for God's Word. Spiritual hunger is different from physical hunger in the sense that once you eat food your body is satiated, but spiritually speaking the more you read God's Word the more your Spiritual hunger grows.
2. Obedience is learned through Habit. When I first gave my life to the Lord this was a constant prayer of mine, "Lord, help me to lay my will down and choose Yours instead." I prayed this daily and as different situations arose. Like I said, "by nature I am a rebellious child." Even Jesus was obedient to the Father and ultimately to the cross. Hebrews 5:8 says,"Though He was a Son, yet He learned obedience by the things which He suffered."
3. Obedience produces Happiness in the life of a Christian. Can we be happy when we are walking in rebellion against the Living God? I think we may try to convince ourselves of that, but I think we only deceive ourselves. So how then do we attain this happiness? Through hunger of God's Word and habit of laying down our will and choosing His instead. After all, doesn't He know what's best for us in any situation?
I believe He does.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Mrs. Burton's Tea Room at Heritage Park
This was one of the stops that Pat, Joanne, and I made on our whirlwind tour of San Diego.
on the right was one of my favorites. It would look so sweet with a lacy dress and gloves.
This was an interesting display. Within the farthingale cage were two shelves stacked with tea cups. Now why didn't I get a picture of that? I think I was so intrigued by the bodice that I forgot about what was below.
More hats.
The shop keeper was very patient with us as we went from room to room snapping pictures of everything in sight and believe me, there was no shortage of items begging to be photographed. Had we not just eaten lunch we may have had to stop for tea, but alas, we were full from our delicious Mexican food.
If you ever get an opportunity to visit San Diego this would be a perfect place to have tea.
For further investigation here's the web site:
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Romans 15 verse 1

Romans 15: 1
Paul here echoes the message Jesus spoke throughout the Gospels--and the words are reminiscent of his admonition in Galatians 6:2: "Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ." In Acts 20:35 Paul reminds his listeners, "In all things I have shown you that by so toiling one must help the weak, remembering the words of the Lord Jesus, how He said, "It is more blessed to give than to receive."
Christ's law of unselfish service will always be a heavy yoke so long as it rests upon my will and not within my will. But when my soul has organized itself to include others as an essential part of itself, so as to root unselfish service in the very will to live, then the will to serve is no longer a burdening yoke but an inherent joy. This perhaps is one meaning of conversion--a thorough and radical rearrangement of lifestyle which enlarges one's self to include other selves as an essential part of it. The will to serve involves the will to put others before one's self, so that we "bear...one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ."
Taken from the book, "Today, Lord, I Will"
A Merry Meeting!
This beautiful old gown was in one of the stores that was closed.
We had lunch at the Casa Del Rey and I felt so bad for Pat. She wanted to try the fish tacos and Joanne and I both said, "Fish Tacos! How disgusting!" She didn't end up ordering them and I felt very bad. "Pat, you could have had the fish tacos...really."
After lunch we went on a tour of Heritage Park and the Synagogue where sweet hubby and I were married, which began a funny conversation about my beliefs. Am I Jewish or a Christian? I'll leave you to figure that one out and hopefully it won't cause anyone to fret.
I just ran out of pictures. From Heritage Park we drove over to the light house and ended at the Hotel Del. I'll end by saying that, "Pat and Joanne, I had a wonderful day playing tour guide for the both of you I just wish we would have had more time. We never did make it to La Jolla.
Friday, September 12, 2008
An Award, a Tag, and an Apology

Monday flew right past then Tuesday sweet hubby and I dropped a chair off at my sweet friend Fiffer's house who happens to live two townhouses from my brother-in-law and his family. On our way out of Fiffer's we saw them pulling up so climbed in the back seat of their car and off we went to have some Pink Berry. Now that I think about it all that happened on Monday not Tuesday.
Wednesday was a delightful treat as I drove to San Diego to meet up with fellow Bloggers Pat from Mille Fiore Favoriti and Joanne from My Cottage in the Making. Both Joanne and I are from Orange County and when we found out that Pat was coming all the way from Brooklyn N.Y. We both said, "I want to meet you in San Diego." So we did, but that's a tale for another day. Hopefully Sunday evening after all the china is washed and put away from my Tea Party that afternoon. As you can see I've been busy and it's not about to slow down.
So, I would like to apologize to Tara of Days Missed on a Hammock. Last Sunday or this Monday Tara gave me this darling "I LOVE YOUR BLOG" award and I've been so crazy busy that I've had no time to post it. Please forgive me Tara and I love your blog too! Am I allowed to reissue an award to someone that has given it to me? Because if I can I'd like to give it back to you because I DO LOVE YOUR BLOG TOO! OK, I hope I'm forgiven and Pat gave me your hug and I missed seeing you in San Diego.
Next apology: My sweet friend Becky over at Lace and Lures (she also has three other blogs. One that's a diary of hers and the Captains restoration of a beautiful Victorian Cottage. A must read) has tagged me for 7 facts about myself: some random some weird. This should be easy for me. I'll post the rules below.
1. I've moved 20 times in my life, but I've been at Brambleberry Cottage the longest...14 years.
2. No matter what time of year I always sleep with one foot hanging off the bed. During the winter I sleep with one sock on, but it's not on the foot that's hanging off the bed. My husband thinks this is very weird, but then he thinks I'm weird too!
3. I love to buy old antiques and reupholster them.
4. I also have a thing for Crazy Quilts. I took a class once and made a 24x24 inch wall hanging and hated the end result so I cut it into 4 sections and made the little pillows that you see on the chair below. The chair is also one of my upholstery projects.
6. I used to have indoor Bunnies. They're the sweetest companions with the most darling little personalities, but short lives. My husband couldn't deal with the tears that came and said no more bunnies for you so now we have dogs.
7. While all of Orange County worships Starbucks Coffee I refuse to bow down and pay homage to the split tailed mermaid.
OK, now for the rules:
1. Link your tagger and list these rules on your blog.
2: Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
Lets see, I'll tag the following:
Ellen B. of The Happy Wonderer
Moorea of Home Schooling Sentiments
Alaura of Cottage Rose
Kathy at Mimi's Garden
Jan at Jan and Tom's Place
OK ladies, let's see what you come up with...have fun!
Thursday, September 11, 2008

Above him were seraphs, each with six wings: With two wings they covered their faces, with two they covered their feet, and with two they were flying.
And they were calling to one another:
"Holy, holy, holy is the LORD Almighty;
the whole earth is full of his glory."
At the sound of their voices the doorposts and thresholds shook and the temple was filled with smoke.
"Woe to me!" I cried. "I am ruined! For I am a man of unclean lips, and I live among a people of unclean lips, and my eyes have seen the King, the LORD Almighty."
Then one of the seraphs flew to me with a live coal in his hand, which he had taken with tongs from the altar.
With it he touched my mouth and said, "See, this has touched your lips; your guilt is taken away and your sin atoned for."
Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?"
And I said, "Here am I. Send me!"
For more ABC's of the WORD click over to Pam's blog, "Gray Like Snuffie" and help us stir up God's word in our hearts.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Sunday, September 7, 2008

Walk in Love.
Ephesians 5:2
Love is the power that has drawn us as sinners to God, that has melted the hardness of our hearts, and that now constrains us to live for Him. Love is the sphere of the Christian's activity. "God is love; and he that dwells in love dwells in God, and God in him" (1 John 4:16). We are called to be followers, imitators of God. Therefore "we have to walk in love."
"God for Christ's sake has forgiven you." If we imitate God in this respect we shall forgive one another. The apostle makes no distinction between our being the objects of God's love and our being the objects of the love of Christ. It is one and the same love.
We have not only to contemplate and rejoice in this love, we have to "walk" in it. That is, we have to show it in a practical way; we have to exemplify it. "Walking" is the term which the apostle uses to point out the practical side of Christianity. As with our bodies, so with our souls, we need exercise, in order to develop fully as God would have us do. We cannot remain healthy unless we are carrying out into practice that which we have received as the cardinal truths of our faith.
For further thought:
1. What does it mean, from a practical point of view, to "walk in love?"
2. Is it possible to "imitate" God?
Taken from the book: Today, Lord, I Will.
Friday, September 5, 2008
I LoVe PiNK!

When I was in the fifth grade my family took a road trip from Yuma Arizona to St. Louis, Missouri with many stops in between. One of our destinations was to stop and stay with my great Uncle Clarence who lived in a small town in the Midwest that was filled with Victorian homes lining brick paved streets. Across from his house was a huge abandoned Queen Ann with a hexagonal shaped turret. In the upper most part of the turret was a revolving stained glass panel that was lit at night and reflected the sun by day.
I remember my uncle and I creeping across the street, up onto the porch, and looking through the front door windows into what looked like a sleepy dream. Right in the center of the massive hall was a beautifully carved staircase that swept up to the second floor and branched out on either side.
As I stood there gazing in the windows I imagined the room filled with elegant Victorian ladies draped from head to toe in the latest Parisian fashions. Needless to say, I was smitten and have been since.
So, back to the little darling house. When I first saw this little home it sat abandoned and forlorn with no one to care for it. For the most part the gardens were dead, but you could see that at some point in its life it had been well loved. There was a rambling Wisteria that had encroached on the glass walled conservatory and what looked like the bones of a garden maze leading down the path to the conservatory door.
There were untended roses that still had a few blooms and evidence of other once blooming plant life. Old torn lace panels hung in the windows and the paint was peeling away from the structure. There was a for sale sign in the yard so I drug my reluctant husband to look at yet another crumbling mess of a home. His exact words were, "NO!" Don't get me wrong, I have a wonderful loving husband, but we look at these old homes through different eyes. I see the romance of what once was and what could be again, while he sees the money that will be spent, the labor that will be involved and the thought that's a real deal breaker... WE DO ALL OUR OWN WORK! It's true. We've never hired anyone to do anything here at Brambleberry Cottage.
I went home depressed, but I decided to torture myself a bit and drive through the neighborhood on my way home from work each day. And then one day the sign was down and I saw life again at this little home. Everyday I would drive by to see what progress had been made and whether it met my approval. It always did. Little by little the house was transformed into what you see here. The maze is covered with vines and is entered through the side yard by an arbor, the little lions sit guarding the front door, and there are new lace panels in the window.
It's still fun to drive by and dream about what could have been, but then some dreams are meant for someone else.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
The Letter G

For we do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but was in all ways tempted as we are, yet without sin.
Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.
Hebrews 4: 14 & 16
For more ABC's of the Word stop by Pam's blog, Grey Like Snuffie and help us stir up the Word in our hearts.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Magical little Cottages
It was such a beautiful cool night last evening that sweet hubby and I decided to toodle through one of my favorite neighborhoods in the Orange County area. It was developed in the twenties with winding streets lined with darling custom cottages and beautiful gardens. While on our ride I decided to take a few pictures for you to enjoy. This first house is stunning with its coat of Robins Egg Blue paint. From the picture you can't tell, but it looks to be about 5,000 sq. ft.
I love the Narnia Lamp post set amidst the roses and the clinker block wall.
The darling rock chimney with its Terra Cotta chimney pots. You half expect to see Snow White coming out the door with a Blue Bird on her singing on her shoulder.
This little cottage is one of my favorites. I love the coining around the windows and doors as well as the all white garden. Hubby and I had a huge debate as to whether the stones are real or Trump L'oile. Years ago I stopped by when the cttage was being renovated and asked the home owner about it. I seem to remember her saying it was a paint technique. I'm not one hundred percent, but I'm pretty sure.
My dream roof! This is the standard by which I measure all roofs. Well, maybe not the standard because there's another roof in Long Beach by the same roofer only far more elaborate. But this one would do nicely and help to enhance our little Brambleberry Cottage.
A detail of the peak over the door. Isn't this just the most intricate detail?
Another lovely little cottage with vines growing beneath the eaves. Every year this little neighborhood has a garden and home tour combined with an Antiques Flea Market and every year I happen to be out of town. Maybe this is the year that I'll finally be able to make it...would anyone like to join me?