I have been tagged again by my sweet friend Pat over at
Mille Fiori Favoriti.
This time it's a Book Tag and the person being tagged is to post 7 random or weird book facts about themselves. This shouldn't be difficult for me as I love to read books...and magazines.
Other rules include linking back to the person who tagged you and then once you're done you have to tag 5 other people.
So let's begin:
1. As you can see by the SMALL collection above I love to read magazines. I have 5 magazine subscriptions, which is a small amount for me. I just noticed Old House Interiors is missing as well as Old House Journal. I'm an old house fan so any magazine that has to do with restoration I own a subscription to.
2. Victoria Magazine was first published in 1988 and I have all but two issues. But then came the years of sadness when the new editor took over and managed to bury the magazine within three years of being at the helm...Hello! It's about VICTORIAN LIFE, HOMES, STYLE, etc. Not everything unrelated to anything Victorian. Thankfully the new editor has resurrected her in grand style.

3. I love to read curled up on the couch with a steaming cup of coffee and a cozy blanket. This is my reading spot in the living room. We have an old faded denim couch that is the comfiest I've ever curled up in.

My favorite reading lamp. It's frosted shade diffuses the light and cuts the harshness of the bulbs. There's no overhead lighting in our little cottage so we have lamps in every corner and on every table.
4. When I was single I lived in San Diego where one of my favorite haunts was, the Book Star on Rosecrans Blvd. They stayed open until well after midnight and many evenings when I was unable to sleep I'd roll out of bed, throw on some sweats and head for the Book Star. I could always be found in the Religious Section reading books on the Dead Sea Scrolls, Josephus, Jewish Traditions, and Customs. I even read Cabala a few times. Very interesting.
5. When sweet hubby and I were dating we spent a lot of time in the book store. I always drug him off to the children's section where I would sit him in one of those little bitty chairs and I'd read him stories. A man in love will do anything for you.

We are a family who reads. The TV is hiding behind the screen with the painted bird houses.
6. This is probably the weirdest book fact about me. Well, maybe not, but whenever I read a magazine I have to touch the pages and outline the fabrics, tiles, furniture, whatever with my fingers. I wasn't even aware that I did this until one day, at the book store, my hubby looked over to find me with my fingers all over the page. When he asked why I was exhibiting such a strange behavior all I could say was that I was feeling the texture of the fabric. Yes, I feel the textiles through the printed paper...weird, I know, but there you have it.

7. Another weird fact. Lord of the Rings is my absolute favorite book in the entire world (excluding my Bible). I read LOTR's for the first time while in the eight grade. I then re-read it every year for the next 30 years. Once I married my hubby I didn't think it was fair to him for me to have my nose continually plastered in a book. Now I read it every other year. I start in October and end in February.
I would much rather read fiction/fantasy then any other literature.
Just for fun I'm going to add an 8th:
I'm one of those people who always carries my Bible to church. I prefer to read from the good Book then the overhead projector. The only problem with this is when the pastor says, "let's turn to such and such." I'll turn there, but something else catches my eye and I'm off doing my own study. Rarely do I hear what he says.
Ok, those are my random/weird facts...what are some of yours?
If you would like to be tagged just let me know so I can find out more facts about you.
Thanks Pat, this was a fun tag.