Selia's Tassel Tutorial...
I know, I'm in a weird rhyming mood, please bear with me.
If I could I'd like to ask you a question? Do you visit certain blog's for particular reasons? Have you categorized them in the corner of your mind and you know just where to go for inspiration, encouragement, beauty, or to nurture that creative spirit who dwells somewhere deep within your heart? I do and one of my favorite blog's to visit, when I'm in need of a visual feast, is Selia's "Down The Rabbit Hole." Everything she posts is filled with simple beauty and elegance.
You may be wondering where I'm going with all of this so I'll tell you. I tumbled down the rabbit hole one afternoon and Selia was having a Tassel give-away...she makes the most beautiful tassels and I LoVe tassels of all shapes and sizes! I have them on every door knob, lamp, and pull in my cottage.
She had one with a little bird on top that would go perfectly in my living room so I tried 3 times to post a comment, but to no avail. Let me tell you I was so sad, but those things happen in life and we learn to go on :).
Several weeks later she had another give-away that once again I missed, but she had such a huge response to those sweet little tassels that she posted a Tutorial.
So I decided to follow her instructions and see what I came up with.
Here's my results...

Pinks and greens are my favorite colors and since I had plenty of trims in various shades I decided to use what I had lying about... of course I had to buy a few things.
I have a tendency to over embellish everything and decided to add some extra trim to the bottom half of my little tassel so just to be safe I reinforced it with some embroidery floss.

I used a vintage salt shaker for the top and pulled the colors from the small flowers that circle the rim. I think it looks like a ballerina whose tutu has been blow by a gust of wind to expose her petticoats beneath, don't you? I would imagine she's very embarrassed as I know I would be.

It turned out to be a simpler project than I expected and took only a few hours to complete. Of course I cheated by using a salt shaker with holes already in the top so I avoided having to buy a small drill.
I wasn't sure where she would find a home so for now she'll dangle from the old metal lamp in the dining room. Once my new cupboard is built she may find her permanent home there. I know, I keep referring to the tassel as a person. For some bizarre reason inanimate objects take on personalities at Brambleberry Cottage.
OK, I think I've done enough rambling so if you'd like to try your creative talents at tassel making just click on the link to Selia's tutorial at the top of this post.
Oh no...I just remembered! My friend Kathie and I were going to have a tassel making party. She is going to be so mad at me...oops! I guess I'll just have to make another one (smile).