Hello! I hope everyone had a lovely
Independence Day weekend. Ours was pretty quiet and uneventful, but that's not to say it was bad. The fourth of July just happens to be my friend Kathy's birthday so I treated her to a wonderful breakfast at Mimi's Cafe and presented her with the most amazing gift... A
Vanessa Valencia print from
Vanessa's Esty shop. Do you remember her Mad Tea Party last week? While all the madness was going on she had a two for one sale so I nabbed a couple prints for myself and Kathy.
OK, rabbit trailing, back to the fourth and Kathy's birthday...Of course I made her buy her own frame (what a friend I am) since she and I have different ideas about framing pictures. I like the old heavy frames with all the scroll work while she likes them to be a little more simplistic. We did however have fun searching for frames after breakfast, without any luck I might add so the hunt continues.
By the time I got home I was pretty tired so laid down for a nap and that was how the rest of my day went. In and out of tiredness and barely able to keep my head up. I must have had a bug or something.
Later that afternoon my
SIL came over and we went out for a bite to eat which was a total disaster and resulted in a free meal for us... "Happy Fourth of July!" We went back home where I fell asleep on the couch only to awake at 10:00 pm to find the house empty and hubby no where in sight. He gets funny on the holidays, (Donna, did you know this about your brother? It's the most peculiar behavior, cute, but peculiar...
hee hee) lets take Halloween for example. Every Halloween we have to trim the roses back behind the fence and secure the gates so the kids won't swing on them, hang on them, or otherwise destroy them. Come to think of it the front gate is still pinned from last Halloween.
On the fourth of July it's the fireworks and our old dried out shingle roof. Hubby was down the street trying to locate the culprit who was shooting fireworks right over our little cottage with the kindling roof. Disneyland style fireworks, which are totally ILLEGAL in our little hamlet of
Anasliem, and yet the neighboring cities sell them right down the street. This is something I will never understand.
So that was my Fourth, now let's go on to fun things...

I'm still working on the room very slowly, but it's finally starting to come together. All the furniture is back in and the shelves are up in the closet so now I'm just waiting for the paint to dry before I put everything away. I have a few little projects to complete and then it will be done.
I haven't cleaned my cottage in 6 weeks...disgusting huh? It is, I admit! There are bunny
foozles everywhere and dust on every surface and chair, but I've come to the conclusion that there's a certain comfort and
peacefulness about living in a messy home...
LOL!!! I come home from work and I can relax instead of think about all the chores that need to be done, but don't worry, I have the day off so I thought I'd spend a few hours cleaning, dusting, and mopping, OH JOY! Then I'm off to the antiques store.
Do you see the funny little lamp in the picture above? That was one of my projects. I was going to paint it white and buy a new lamp shade, but then I remembered a tattered piece of Irish linen tucked away in one of my treasure boxes. My grandma gave me the lamp about two years before she died so it has sentimental value, which makes it hard for me to change anything about it. I can still see it standing in the corner of her living room next to the old rocker.
Back to the lamp... I found my old Irish linen, wrapped it around the top of the shade, and secured it with a piece of grosgrain ribbon. The faded paper rose was on one of mine and hubby's wedding presents and I just couldn't get rid of it...

and Viola! Grandma's lamp has a new petticoat without any alterations having to be made. I was quite surprised when I asked hubby what he thought about the lamp in a petticoat and he liked it. Good thing because it was going to stay that way whether he liked it or not...
Well, it's 8:30 am and I have a busy day ahead of me so I better be on my way, but I hope you all have a marvelous Monday!
xoxo Cori