Monday, November 29, 2010
Hello everyone! I've been having computer problems lately and haven't been checking my weence little mailbox. Just by accident I discovered an email from my FABULOUS Friendling, Rhonda Roo and it was then that I discovered several other emails and comments that were buried amidst all that other email-stuff...SORRY!!!!
But I'll be back in a few days to share some exciting news. We don't want to be too hasty now, do we? No! Not hasty at all...
See you real soon!!!!
xoxo Cori
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Where you go I will follow…
There once was a family Hacienda in the heart of Old Towne, that became a hotel, then a cannery, and back to a hotel. Then sometime later it was abandoned. The old Hacienda under went many changes in its life time, until it was transformed into the most delectable restaurant known as Casa de Bandini.
There once was a girl who loved to munch on fresh chips and salsa, in the courtyard of this restaurant, while listening to the gentle rhythm of the fountain and happy sounds of the strolling mariachi band. And on special occasions she would treat herself to one ice cold margarita…only one mind you.
It was at this very restaurant where the girl, and the boy she married, had their first meal as man and wife.
As the years rolled by the restaurant moved back in time only to become a grand hotel again. A grand hotel where the girl and boy decided to stay for their 16th anniversary.
They woke from their dreamy slumber in the comfort of the old antique bed. | The smell of hot coffee and sugar coated scones were waiting outside their door. |
It seemed like only yesterday, when they exchanged their vows, and yet many years had passed. Much remained the same and yet much had changed.
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They contemplated the years of their life together… things they had done…things yet to do.
They sat and listened to the thundering of the roaring sea…
and as the sun cast its golden beams across the water, she was reminded that there is much to be thankful for in this life.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
I have always said…
but the bigger question begs to be answered, “how do you know when it’s the Lord speaking to you or your own little voices in your head. I'm not talking about being crazy here, but Do You KNOW?
I like to play "connect the dots" spiritually. You may be wondering, "what does that mean?" Well, I'll tell you. When I'm struggling with something that I've been praying about I like to look around me to see if the Lord is speaking through the every day activities of my life. It may be a particular scripture, a message I hear on the radio, a song playing in my car, or something I experience in nature. God performs the extraordinary through the ordinary and I think that due to the busyness of our lives we often miss the miracles or just pass them off as coincidence. You are probably wondering where I'm going with all this nonsensical chatter, right? Right! So I'll just get to my a round about way.
Many of you know that I have a love/hate relationship with my job, which by the way, I'm sure many of you do too. But, I have always said that if my hubby was ever called back to Boeing I would quit work that very same day. Some time in June I was on my way home from work, tears streaming down my face, and asking the Lord, "How long, Lord? How long do I have to carry this cross?" And as I pulled into the gas station I got a call from hubby. "Guess what?" says he. "I don't know", says I. "I just came home and found a letter in the mail and I've been recalled, I start in July." I felt a flood of relief wash over me and felt that my prayer had been answered.
We had just finished reading the account of David & Goliath and there were two points that stood out.
1. Saul, the king of Israel, sent a boy out to do a mans job and 2. David didn't have his eyes on the circumstances before him, he had his eyes on his LORD. The LORD of Hosts...the God of Israel. He knew that this giant was an enemy of God and God was going to use a young boy to destroy His enemy.
So hubby and I sat down and weighed the pros and cons and upon further investigation we found out that the deal wasn't as rosy as we had originally thought. But we decided to take a leap of faith over the edge of reason and jumped...head first. Two months into his job the rumors start to fly that there's going to be a lay-off mid September...HELLO!!!! We just got back here!!! So we shall see what the next few months bring, but whatever happens to be around the corner, I know that the Lord will be there too.
Oh, and by the way, I'm still at my job.
Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time, casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.
1 Peter 5:6 & 7
Monday, August 23, 2010
Just in case you were wondering...
Friday, July 30, 2010
Party at Mr. B’s Cantina
Wait, wait! Has the party started without me? What party you ask? Why it’s Darling Deb’s Cantina Party at Mr. B’s and everyone is going to be there. After searching and searching I found the perfect swim suit, but do you think it makes me look fat? Maybe just a little? Oh well, I couldn’t resist the plaid scarf.
Since I’m the designated driver at this shindig I’ll be the one drinking lots of ice cold Perrier.
And if you’re too inebriated to drive home all you have to do is ask. You’ll be driven home in style, but please! There’ll be no throwing up in the back seat (or on the driver) since I just had the interior detailed…hm….maybe it wasn’t such a good idea to volunteer for this job.
Oh! And one last thing…
just in case you can’t make it to the car…
I hired this guy to carry you out.
Happy partying everyone and don’t forget what Darling Deb said… “NO THROWING THE CAT IN THE POOL!!!!”
Sunday, July 4, 2010
On a park bench, an old man
I said, "Your old court house is kinda
He said, "Naw, it'll do for our little town."
I said, "Your old flag pole is leaned a little bit,
And that's a ragged old flag
He said, "Have a seat", and I sat down,
"Is this the first time you've been to our
"I said, "I think it is."
He said "I don't like to brag,
but we're kinda proud of That
"You see, we got a little hole
When Washington took it
and It got powder burned
the night Francis Scott Key sat watching it,
writing "Say Can You See"
It got a rip in New Orleans,
with Packingham & Jackson
and It almost fell at the Alamo
But she waved on though.
She got cut with a sword at Chancellorsville,
And she got cut again at Shiloh Hill.
There was Robert E. Lee and
And the south wind blew hard on
"On Flanders Field in World War I,
She got a big hole from a Bertha Gun,
She turned blood red in World War II
She hung limp, and low, a time or two,
She was in Korea, Vietnam,
She went where she was sent
by her Uncle Sam.
She waved from our ships
and now they've about quit wavin'
in her own good land here
She's been burned, dishonored,
And the government for which she stands
Has been scandalized throughout the land.
And she's getting thread bare,
and she's wearin' thin,
But she's in good shape,
Cause she's been through the fire before
and I believe she can take a whole lot more.
"So we raise her up every morning
And we bring her down slow every night,
We don't let her touch the ground,
And we fold her up right.
On second thought I *do* like to brag
Cause I'm mighty proud of
That Ragged Old Flag"
Song By Johnny Cash the Man in Black.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Hello all you Mad Tea partiers!
Welcome to my little corner of Bloglandia...
I hope you enjoy your stay and come back again…real soon…AND I hope I remember to come back real soon too. Anywho, this wonderful event is hosted by the ever Delightful, Whimsical, Enchanted creature Vanessa Valencia of A Fanciful Twist. Be sure to stop by her blog (If you haven’t already) to find the list of other Mad Tea Parties going on in cyberspace.
Prepared my coffee and pulled open the shade. But what a strange sight did I see…there were strange goings on beneath my tree.
So I grabbed my binoculars to get a closer peek. Surely my eyes were deceiving me. “That’s odd. Those signs weren’t there when I went to bed.” Funny how sleeplessness can mess with your head.
So I slipped on my slippers and ran out the back door hoping to glimpse something more.
There was this sign with nary a clue of where I should go…or what I should do.
So I decided to follow this one.
It led me beneath the arch of my tree where two tables had been set, apparently for tea, but where were the guests and where was the food?
Me thinks this hostess a little rude, for setting up tea beneath my tree without even thinking of inviting me.
Being groggy from my sleepless night I decided to find a place to rest my head.
when suddenly from beneath the table appeared a pest of a guest, “there goes my rest.” So I threw her ball till she grew weary of play then she curled up at my feet to dream of her day. Finally I could get some sleep.
When I awoke beneath the shade of my tree there was sugared toast, fruit and faerie rose tea…if only I hadsomeone to share it with me.
Now this is a curious thing to be sure!
Drink me? Do I dare? Would you? Would you?
Eat me? Hmm…it looks like a chocolate delight.
Well, OK, maybe I’ll have one little bite.
So I took a bite and as soon as I did my world became blurry, distorted, and dim. I felt like I was shrinking as small as can be. Soon I would be no bigger then a leaf dangling from my tree.
But something stirred somewhere inside, it was my trusty little puppy at my side. You see, I had been caught in a dream all the time, where nothing makes sense, and not everything rhymes.
Ok. Now be on your way to our Fanciful friendling @ a Fanciful Twist.
Friday, June 25, 2010
A Mad Tea
Welcome to my little corner of Bloglandia...
I hope you enjoy your stay and come back again…real soon…AND I hope I remember to come back real soon too. Anywho, this wonderful event is hosted by the ever Delightful, Whimsical, Enchanted creature Vanessa Valencia of A Fanciful Twist. Be sure to stop by her blog (If you haven’t already) to find the list of other Mad Tea Parties going on in cyberspace.

I awoke this morning like any other day.
Prepared my coffee and pulled open the shade. But what a strange sight did I see…there were strange goings on beneath my tree.

So I grabbed my binoculars to get a closer peek. Surely my eyes were deceiving me. “That’s odd. Those signs weren’t there when I went to bed.” Funny how sleeplessness can mess with your head.

So I slipped on my slippers and ran out the back door hoping to glimpse something more.

There was this sign with nary a clue of where I should go…or what I should do.
So I decided to follow this one.
It led me beneath the arch of my tree where two tables had been set, apparently for tea, but where were the guests and where was the food?
Me thinks this hostess a little rude, for setting up tea beneath my tree without even thinking of inviting me.
Being groggy from my sleepless night I decided to find a place to rest my head.

when suddenly from beneath the table appeared a pest of a guest, “there goes my rest.” So I threw her ball till she grew weary of play then she curled up at my feet to dream of her day. Finally I could get some sleep.

When I awoke beneath the shade of my tree there was sugared toast, fruit and faerie rose tea…if only I had someone to share it with me.

Now this is a curious thing to be sure!
Drink me? Do I dare? Would you? Would you?

Eat me? Hmm…it looks like a chocolate delight.

Well, OK, maybe I’ll have one little bite.
So I took a bite and as soon as I did my world became blurry, distorted, and dim. I felt like I was shrinking as small as can be. Soon I would be no bigger then a leaf dangling from my tree.
But something stirred somewhere inside, it was my trusty little puppy at my side. You see, I had been caught in a dream all the time, where nothing makes sense, and not everything rhymes.
Ok. Now be on your way to our Fanciful friendling @ a Fanciful Twist.