My tale begins with mine and hubby's last vacation. Being the unorganized-organized person that I am I try to start packing a few days before I leave for anywhere. If I'm going to be gone longer then I pack that much sooner, but this time that didn't happen. Hubby and I planned to up before the sun and on the road by 5 am Thursday morning. Wednesday evening rolled around and still no packing had begun. Thursday morning I was up by 4:30, showered, threw a bunch of clothes in the suitcase, packed my overnight bag, and ran out the door. We made our customary stop at 7/11 for hot coffee and chocolate donuts then hit the road. Nine hours later we reached our destination...Bisbee Arizona. We pulled into the parking lot of this cute motel, checked in, and apparently the first thing I must have done was to partially unpack my overnight bag and place my blow dryer in the window sill.

The next morning I woke up, showered, and went to pull my blow dryer out of my overnight bag. But can you guess what I found? NO BLOW DRYER!! But how convenient that the motel had an identical one sitting in the window sill. Two mornings in a row I was ever so thankful for the nice young woman who ran the motel and for the blow dryer that was there for me to use. But each time we drove away and then pulled back into our space, I wondered, "why would an innkeeper not have a shelf or a drawer to store that blow dryer in. It didn't look very appealing sitting in the window and none of the other windows had one. Oh well! Those things happen in life.