Well, maybe the “woe” is too strong a word, but at times it feels that way.
So, let’s see…where do I begin. I think the last time anyone in Bloglandia knew what was going on, here at Brambleberry Cottage, was last year. Maybe it’s time for an update.
Last year hubby was unemployed and much was accomplished around here. We painted and built and worked in the garden. We built raised vegetable beds in the backyard and nibbled on lettuce, radishes, and other yummy veggies.
My new semester started and with it came a new job for hubby. I think it’s a bit peculiar that his job at Boeing ended the first day of my last semester while his new job began the first day of this semester. But anywho, this semester has been both challenging and woeful.

I’m not sure what it is, but every time I’m enrolled in an art/graphics class I feel so inadequate about my abilities to create anything worth looking at…weird, don’t you think? Me too! Well, this semester I have two drawing classes, a sewing class, and Quick Print on Friday. I love my Quick Print class!!! I love my sewing class!!! I despise my Doodling & Noodling class as well as my Intro to Advertising and Graphic Arts…yuck! Yuck! Yuck. The two classes I despise (another strong and maybe overly dramatic word, I know) are Tuesday’s and Thursdays beginning at 8 am. I’m not sure about the other students, but I think 8 am is way too early to start class. We all shuffle through the door looking slightly catatonic and find our way to our seats.
So, this is where the “woe” comes in. For some reason, unbeknownst to me, my instructor and I seem to be at odds with one another and nothing I do is right.

I’ll bet you didn’t know you were going to have to listen to me whine, did you? Please forgive me as I continue my tale of woe :-).
You may be wondering about my strange little pictures so I’ll tell you what they are. We were given an assignment where we had to create pictures that represented a word out of nothing but characters from 1 font family. These were a few of my finished designs. My instructor was not thrilled that I chose fonts from home instead of the computer lab, but after the fact I remembered that I specifically asked, “can I use fonts from home?” to which she replied, “I don’t think there should be a problem since they’ll be converted to outlines.” I think part of the problem may be that we are both forgetful and neither wants to fess up to it. Oh well, such is life. I keep telling myself to get over it and go on. Easier said then done. Am I making any sense or are you completely confused?

Any way the next assignment really has me stumped and I just can’t seem to get it done. The good thing is I only have 5-6 weeks left then I’ll be done for this semester and hopefully only 1 semester to go…but then there’s more Quick Print classes…so much fun for a girl who loves to print!!!
OK, I gotta run for now, but hopefully I’ll be back sooner than not.
Hope you all have a fun rest of the weekend!!!
xoxo Cori