Hello Hello! Once again I’ve managed to find my way back to this special little place in the blogisphere. A place where we share little snippets of our lives, dreams, and the inner workings of our hearts.
I love it here and have been inspired by so many of you, but alas, life has a way of twisting and turning while traveling down its own path. Sometimes, if we fail to pay attention the path leads us to who knows where and that’s where I’ve been of late, the land of “Who Knows Where,” doing “Who Knows What.” Life, school, working on my cottage, and other such things. Sometimes I feel like one day melds into a month and then a year. An entire year gone in three days…do you feel that way too?
Anywho, this past weekend I decided to take time off from Who Knows Where and visit The Vintage Marketplace in Rainbow, CA.

I’ve been following Christie and Rita on pinterest so naturally I was curious to see what the two were up to. Oh, in case you didn’t know, Christie and Rita are the two talented women who host the Vintage Marketplace four times a year.

This darling old truck set the stage for the entrance and was the perfect place for a photo opp, which would explain The many girly girls dressed in lace just waiting to have their pictures taken on the bails of hay. Me? I just wanted to take the truck home, but all I got were a few pictures…such is life “-).

There were so many beautiful displays and the vendor’s tents were works of art themselves. Above is one of the sweet little arm chairs Rita had upholstered in burlap and Christie painted with her signature roses. I talk (or type) as if I know them, don’t I? In case you are wondering, “no I don’t” but I did get to wear Rita’s socks once and I always stop and say hi to Christie, even tho I’ve never introduced myself. I’m a wee bit shy at times. Note to self…”never leave home without a pair of socks in your bag because you just never know when you may run into the perfect pair of boots.”

I loved this pink tufted chair but decided to pass it up since I have six of my own waiting for my upholstery skills to be put back to use.

One of my favorite vendors was there…Sweet Magnolias Farm. It’s a mother daughter duo and they always have the sweetest set up. Their theme for this event was glampin’. I thought the converted chicken coop idea was darling, but of course it wasn’t a chicken coop at all, but then I suppose if you had an abandoned chicken coop in your backyard it would be a perfect spot for an afternoon nap provided it had a comfy day bed.

The day turned out to be one of the hottest since I can’t remember when, but then many a day in southern Cal has been strange. Humid, hot, and always the sky filled with giant thunder heads. Very strange weather we are having. Very strange indeed. It was so hot that I didn’t stay as long as I would have liked, but I wouldn’t have missed the event either.

I came away with a darling shoulder bag crafted from fabric and peach colored lace, a new/old table scarf for my wee little backyard table, and a fun scrap of fabric embroidered with roses and butterflies. I’m still not sure how I’m going to put it to use, but I know I’ll think of something.

All in all it was a wonderful day filled with tons of inspiration and eye candy.
Now back to reality…the new semester started two weeks ago and I have classes Monday thru Thursday.
You would have thought I’d be done by now, right? Me too! I call it one of those twists and turns along the path of life. Somehow things seem to take longer the older I get. Well, that’s life!
I hope life has been treating you well and any twists and turns along your path have been blessings in disguise.
Until we meet again, in this wonderful little corner of the blogisphere…
xoxo cori
Pictures from a past Vintage Marketplace