I have copies of Vintage Nursery Rhymes on the wall above my computer. Mary had a little Lamb, Jack and Jill, and Jack be nimble. I also have a sign reminding myself that even though I work in a Christian environment I (we) can be impatient, testy, and sometimes unthankful, but the Lord is still compassionate toward us therefore we need to be compassionate with others.
My little Peter Rabbit pull toy greets me each day as I enter my room. He was given to me by one of my dear friends when she found out I was unable to have children. She knows how I love bunnies, especially Peter. When I see him each day I'm reminded of her gentle concern for me and I pray for her.
There's a sack of stones in a burlap bag that rests at my feet. The total weight of the stones... 33 lbs. which to me holds significance even though I paid little attention to the weight when I purchased them. Some of the stones represent broken hearts or shattered dreams while others speak of hurts that were inflicted upon us during our childhood. Whatever they represent they are heavy and burdensome to carry day after day and sometimes we feel as if they are going to drag us down with them... often they do. What kind of stones have you been carrying around and for how long?
And then there's the cross... the cross that we nail our sins to. The cross that is ever before us. I have a little lamb that sits on the cross to remind me of the Lamb that was slain before the foundations of the earth.
So this is where I work, in the midst of the broken hearts, the shattered dreams, the lost innocence, and the empty arms, and yet in the center of it all is Grace, Forgiveness, and Redemption.
Sooo, that doesn't mean you only work one day a month. Does that mean you work your month plus one Saturday. I mean I'd be all for working just one Saturday a month if that was the case but I was just curious. I'm happy to get a little more insight into your life. I love the decor! I'm a huge fan of Beatrix Potter and several other children's authors, etc.
What a lovely place to work. So inspiring. Love your pictures of nursery rhymes. Have a nice week. Twyla
What a beautifully decorated work space. I love having a place to work in that reflects me! It makes the burden of work easier. I have a cross like that too, we put it in the yard on Easter morning, with a purple crushed velvet cloth draped over it.
The neighbors love it.
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