That you may
love the
LORD your God, that you may obey His voice, and that you may cling to Him, for He is your
life and the
length of your days; and that you may dwell in the
land which the
LORD swore to your fathers, to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, to give them.
Deuteronomy 30:20
For more ABC's of the WORD stop over and visit Pam @
Grey Like Snuffie and help us stir up God's Word in our hearts.
Ahh...look at all those fabulous L's in this verse. I love it. Have a good day Cori!
My kids go to Eastlake Community Church in Bothell, Washington. Their target group is 25-35 year old unchurched men so there is not a lot of softness and fluffiness at this church. It's loud and they aren't afraid to speak to the issues in the world we live in.
Good Morning Cori!
What a Lovely verse!
I love Deuteronomy---not sure why. I always think God's faithfulness with that book of the Bible. Thanks for your encouraging comment today. It's just one of those many things that I "KNOW" after walking with Him for so many years but it hasn't quite worked it's way to "BELIEVE"---yet. :) Have a wonderful day Cori!
Hi Cori,
I just got back from Ft. Lauderdale and while over there Dave and I went to Bob Coy's church. Have you heard of him?
Anyway there were close to 30 or 40people that came to the Lord last night . Still gets me excited.
Hope all is well with you.
A wonderful verse, Cori! Have a spectacular weekend...Kathy
Great verse! These are commands for us: love Him, obey Him, cling to Him! It will be worth it all!
Margie :)
Such pretty pink...I love the block L...great verse!
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