I'm getting my post up late and am so sorry. Last night after I had gone to bed I realized that I hadn't started my letter X. It must have been on my mind all night because I never fell asleep until the wee hours of the morn...explains why I'm up late.
Pam had decided that since there are so few X's in scripture we could post one of our favorites, but how does one choose a favorite when there are so many rich and beautiful nuggets to hold on to. I was going to post Psalm 91: 1&2, but as I sit here typing away an Xceptionally meaningful scripture popped into my head...I may have used it before so if I have please Xcuse me.
That you may love the LORD your God, that you may obey His voice, and that you may cling to Him, FOR HE IS YOUR LIFE AND THE LENGTH OF YOUR DAYS;
I remember I first time I read this scripture I was babysitting a clients house (I used to do nails) while in the process of looking for a new apartment which was always a scary thing since I made little to no money. Time and time again I saw the Lord do such miraculous things in my life and provide in ways I never could have imagined. I clung to this scripture that day and have every day since then. When every thing around us falls apart HE IS STILL THERE TO CLING TO! Praise God for His steadfast love and care of His darling daughters...that means you.
I hope you all have a very blessed day and don't forget to stop by Pam's blog to help us stir up God's word in our hearts!
This is why I love God's idea to go outside the box on X...I'm loving all the stories that go along with each person's special scripture. It is good for us to hear of others testimony to His glory.
Amen to that Cori G! God is a wonderful provider...
Thanks for sharing and you also have a blessed day...
Just A Gal...
Ok, I am with Pam, reading the stories that go with the verses posted today is a fascinating testimony to God's word being alive! Praise God!
Amen to that Cori; I know what you mean, the Lord has been there for us so many times. never went hungery, went with out a roof over our head and clothes. Now the food was not steak the roof was not a mansion, the clothes were not expensive but he took care of us. He provides our needs not our wants. He is always faithful and always there.... Love the verse. Thanks for sharing.
Love your sweet pics! I to have a PINK Townie bike and leave it in my Front Room! So many friends would say, my husband would never let me keep a bike in the house! How blessed I am who does! LOL!
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