This is my story neither mad nor true,
about a little white rabbit with nothing to do.
So early one morning she went out to play, but this was not any ordinary day.
You see, there was a giant wind that whipped her into the air,
tossing and tumbling her here and there.
Twirling and spinning her everywhere...

till the wind gently set her down in a magical land,
but there was one problem...
she was stuck in a vine,
but this upside down world was simply sublime.

For she was like all rabbits that dwell in our land
only able to see a world that's colorless and bland.
Here she saw colors she'd never seen
primaries, secondaries, and those in between.

But then she noticed as she hung by her knees
something on a table stirred in the breeze.
She decided to take a closer look and see
if her eyes had deceived her...
it was her favorite...
rose tea...
with frosted cupcakes that looked ever so sweet.

Suddenly there was a noise quite near
from a tiny little mouse climbing into her ear.
He was in search of the grapes that you see
while she hung there dangling beneath the tree.

"Please someone help me get me out of this vine
so I can make those cupcakes mine."
But no one came and there she would be still
but she needed those cupcakes
her belly to fill...
plus they were really pretty colors...

with pink roses on top.

Poor little bunny got out of the tree
without a single scratch to her furry white knee,
but the cupcakes were safe beneath a glass jar
and bunny's short arms couldn't reach that far.
So she sat there and cried and cried all day
till a giant green butterfly fluttered her way.
"Why do you cry," he asked.

Bunny had never seen a green butterfly in her entire life.
Come to think of it, she'd never seen a pink table cloth
or a chintz tea pot or pink roses or green grapes.
She had seen no color at all.

Bunny and the butterfly talked for hours
as they nibbled on the pretty pink flowers.
The butterfly you see was wise beyond years
and wiped away little bunny's tears.
For he knew that there was more to this life
then cupcakes with frosting and colors so bright.
Friendship he thought was better then these
especially a friend who hangs from her knees...
even though she didn't like it.
So if in the vineyard you ever see
a little white rabbit hung by the knees
you know she'll be hanging there in delight
with her little green butterfly friend at her side.
So this is where my story ends
but you can continue and make new friends
by clicking on the badge at the top of this post
where you will visit our lovely host (
the ever DELIGHTFUL Vanessa of A Fanciful Twist.
Have fun!!!