Sunday, June 7, 2009

Life comes in a pretty big package. It doesn't consist simply of getting through with a certain amount of success, a fair amount of creature comforts-enough food to eat, and sufficient clothing to keep ourselves warm. There's much more to life than the mere physical dimension with which we tend to become pretty preoccupied. Real life involves growing into the very image of Christ, into solid spiritual strength and a well rounded character, into spiritual adulthood - and perhaps most important of all, into the blessed peace of God which He alone can bring. The peace into which He guides us involves victory over all our trials, even though we must continue to go through them, experiencing a quietness and confidence in our Savior which no outside circumstance can disturb.

Taken from the book: "Today, Lord, I Will"


Deborah said...

Beautifully said.

Simply Iowa said...

A lovely thought... when you get a chance, read my blog " It's the weights on the old grandfather clock that make it run" I've been going through some stuff, and my Streams in the Desert book really helped me through, again...
'til next time,
Barb C

Bernideen said...

This is truth - truth - truth!