As one year ends and a new begins I'm thankful for the wonderful friendships that I've developed through this strange and wonderful blogland. My prayer for each of you is that as you reflect on 2008 you would remember the blessings and the lessons, but that the hardships would fade away.
That as you begin 2009 there would be joy in your hearts and a skip in your step
and that whatever sorrows have laid waste your heart you would have the courage to lay them at the feet of Him who desires to carry them for you
and above all else that you would begin this new year with Jesus as your guiding Light.
That as you begin 2009 there would be joy in your hearts and a skip in your step
and that whatever sorrows have laid waste your heart you would have the courage to lay them at the feet of Him who desires to carry them for you
and above all else that you would begin this new year with Jesus as your guiding Light.
Have a wonderful New Year !!