I've been tagged by my little friend Allison (I call her little because she's much younger then me) of A Little Shabby Always Chic for a 6 things about You meme. This is a meme isn't it?
Any way I've been wracking my brain for days about the six things so here we go...
1. I'd rather buy something at least 75 years old then pay for something new.
2. As a little girl I had a basket filled with manicuring tools and went from neighbor lady to neighbor lady doing their nails. When I grew up I worked as a manicurist for 15 years.
3. I have tons of painting projects in my closet that are half finished...surprise!!!
4. I always wanted to be a costume designer, but have never learned to sew properly.
5. Hosting tea parties is one of my favorite things in the world, but I'd rather drink coffee.
6. Speaking of favorite things...my husband is my favorite person in the entire world!!! I would much rather spend the day with him then any of my girlfriends.
OK, so those are my 6 things and now the rules say that I'm to tag 6 other people.
I'm going to tag my Darling friend Deb of Midlife Poet and anyone else who'd like to play along just let me know so I can learn 6 new things about you.
Okay! I'll play! But first I have to work...grrrrr. Why can't I find a job where they pay me just for being nice???? **blows kisses** Deborah
Love the fact that you did your own job training by doing your neighbors nails!! Have a great weekend hopefully with some time spent with hubby!
You are such a cutie...I love your sweet spirit. I liked reading your 6 and love that you love your hubby so much! :)
I love your 6 things! Thanks for doing it :) I know so much more about you now! hehe. I like spending time with my boyfriend than anyone else too haha. That is so cool that you did nails I bet you're so good! :)
All the best,
Your little friend lol
Your welcome Allison...it was fun, but after I did it I remembered two that I really wanted to use ;0! Oh well!!
Have a fun weekend little friend. I'll be chained in my guest room painting trim wee hee!!!
Hi Cori,
I have that same lamp in dark blue with orange-red dragonflys! I love that lamp; it's so mysterious.
Loved your 6 things--those are so fun and it does help you to get to know things about a person that you might never know. I did one with 50 things a few months ago when my first blog, Auntie BarBar's Wholesome Life Journal" was up and running... I keep it at the bottom of my bloglist for people who might be interested in reading some quirky,fun posts...
Since I find it to be a creative challenge to come up with interesting tidbits and minutia about myself--I'm all in!
Ok Barbara, I'll be waiting to see what you come up with ;-)!
Cory, this was fun and interesting.
I prefer coffee, too. I can't sew - period. I love old things best. And, my husband is my best friend ever.
Hi Cori, You little stinker, you don't have an email address to answer your question from the comment you have left. So here I am- Anyways my husband help me with the site and you have to find a template where you can change the html to enlarge the pictures. Actually Susan from Between Naps On The Porch had a post on this. Check it out because that may help you out quite a bit. Good Luck! I hope it all works out for you.
Hi Cori
I know I was here to read this last week and my computer shut down with an Internet Explorer conflict -- that has happened to me on a few blogs and soem people told it it happens whn they visit me. So frustrating.
My hubby is my best friend, I love coffee, I love old tbings, and I can't sew at all...and yes I have unfinished projects in my closet too ..lol The only thing I can't do is manicure -- my nails are hopeless and need a lot of work. When I worked they were always being washed and I gave up on trying to keep nails.
Have a wonderful day --I can't wait to see your room makeover!
Hugs, Pat
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