This weekend is Cairo Caravan being held at the Queen Mary in Long Beach and Kathy and I are going to be off on another belly dance extravaganza. They're so much fun and there's so many beautiful jingly things to feast your eyes on. Not to mention the great dancing. So if you're bored this weekend and have nothing to do you might want to head to the Queen Mary for an afternoon of great shopping and dancing. Who knows, they might even let you up on stage :).
Here's a link: Cairo Caravan
Have a wonderful time! If I lived down south I would go with you! The costumes in these pics are extravagant!!!
This weekend is 2nd Saturday Artwalk downtown (in our Capitol city). It is so much fun. And there are always belly dancers dancing through the streets.
How fun! I love the treatment on the photos again! It looks so cool!
All the best,
Oh My GOSH! Those are incredible! The costumes are so beautiful, but your digital enhancement is extraordinary!!! I think I need to fly you over to teach me the simpliest things on Elements! Good grief, girl! You are GOOD.
Hi Cori G!!
So when I'm in Seattle this summer I'm helping my daughter with a personal shower she's giving one of her friends who is into Belly Dancing and Bohemian decor and her wedding colors are all around peacock colors. Anyway we are going to attempt to tent our patio gazebo with colorful fabric, etc. to get the Bohemian effect. Should be fun to see what we can come up with :0)
Have fun in Long Beach this weekend. I think Dear and I are headed to the Greek Festival here in good ole Camarillo! :0)
Hello Ladies,
Thanks for all the sweet comments. As you can see I'm having lots of fun with Photoshop. So much fun that hubby's thinking about hiding my laptop ;0.
xoxo Cori
Oh! I forgot to put it in the post but this troupe represented the Romanian Gypsys.
What beautiful costumes! It must have been a delight to see them all dancing. Do they come from all over the country?
An easy way for those of us who do not have photoshop yet is to go to picnik.com You are able to tweak photos there with enhancements etc.
It is fun, and easy!
XO ~Mo
Hi Cori
Thanks for coming over to my blog. I'm not sure if I can come to Cairo carnival this year. I have been going for close to 20 years now and usually perform. I dance every wed. at Babouch in San Pedro too. The gal you have a photo of (can't remember her name now)I know from years ago. We danced in a troupe together.
shimmy away!
Hi Cori,
The little Robin is perking along! John takes care of him several times a day! When John lets him out to eat, he flies around the room, and latley has been landing on John's head! I stay clear, I'm afraid of falling in love with him!
Barb C.
Wish I could belly dance! Too much belly....
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