Let love be genuine; hate what is evil, hold fast to what is good; love one another with brotherly affection; outdo one another in showing honor.
Romans 12: 9 & 10
When we lay our lives at Christ's feet in consecration, and tell Him that we want to serve Him with them, He gives them back to us again, and bids us use them in serving His people, our fellow-men. In the humblest and the lowliest of those who bear Christ's image Christ comes to us. We do not know when He stands before us in a lowly one who needs our sympathy or our help. It would be a sad thing if we turned Him away unfed from our doors some day, or neglected to visit Him in His sickness. Let us not say we love Christ if we are not ready to serve those whom He sends us to be served.
J. R. Miller (1840-1912)
My Thoughts:
As I read the words of J. R. Miller I felt a sharp pang of conviction in my heart. "Am I guilty of this very thing?" I had to answer with a resounding "YES! Guilty as charged!"
I work in ministry four days a week 7 hours per day and often times I encounter people that are less then desirable. I had to ask myself, "do I treat them with respect or do I offer them neglect?" For whatever life or experience has molded or warped them it is still my job to serve them for they are created in the image of the Most High God.
A New Thought:
I think that there's a common danger that many of us in ministry fall prey to and that's the belief that once my hours have been completed my work is done. And yet, did not Jesus minister day and night where ever and when ever He happened to be. My ministry does not end when the clock strikes four, but continues until my weary head hits the pillow.
Always something to think about, Cori!
Great post, Cori. And, I am certain this should tug at all of our hearts. I think people have a tendency to fear what is different from them. Perhaps one day we will all be working toward becoming more like our God.
Oh it is a challenge, isn't it! Especially when we're tired, or things just aren't going right...often I have asked myself why is the only road to humility, humiliation?!?! Wishing you a Blessed Sunday. **blows kisses** Deborah
Good thoughts Cori G! Our sermon today was on Philippians 1: 9-11. A good prayer to pray for ourselves and others...
Blessings on your day...
Yes, yes! I, too, often feel convicted. Being a pastor's wife, I also see so many with issues and needs.
And I wonder, "What am I doing for them? What can I do for them?"
Jesus was never without love and compassion for anyone. His hand was extended day and night.
May the Lord help us to see Him and others afresh. May God help us to be ready to minister when opportunity arises.
Many blessings, dear friend. I hope your Sunday has been beautiful!
In His Love,
I haven't read the NKJV that you wrote that you prefer, but am curious about it. I did recently buy The Living Bible and love it, although it is a paraphrased version. To translate 2,500 year old language into modern language just doesn't cut it sometimes, and this makes a paraphrased version good for my non-scholarly purposes (I do sometimes compare The Living Bible with other versions though). I just finished I and II Samuel, and am on my way through I Kings.
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