Yesterday was one of those days were I kept doing exactly that! Could I get my mouth in my foot any deeper or vice versa? I don't think so!
My morning started out like any other Saturday morning: out of bed at 6:00 am, feed and water the livestock, jump in the shower, then head to belly dance class. On my way to class I spied this lovely lady sunning on a fence, but I was running late (I have become Alice's White Rabbit) and thought I'd stop on my way home and see if she was still there.
Two hours later there she was just waiting for me, or was she? I became so excited that I called my friend to see if she wanted her, not even knowing if she wanted one of these things, but on further examination I thought, "oops! I'd like to keep her for myself." AAARRRRGGGGGHHHH!!!! What do I do??? At first my friend was hesitant and said she didn't have any place to put her, but had all these questions..."is she in good shape? What does she look like? How tall is she?" And all the while I'm thinking, "NO! I found her! I must keep her for myself and I have the perfect place." I asked the guy how much she was going for, he said, "name a price," I said, "$10," he said, "$15?" I said, "DONE" and walked away with her. So what do I do? What would you do?
I blurted out to my friend that I just may keep her myself and she said that was fine, but now the guilt sets in. Oh how I hate guilt and the things it motivates us to do :(! But now my question is do I keep her for myself or give her to my friend? Have I already asked this question?
So home I went with my new treasure or my friends' treasure or who knows who's treasure, but when I arrived home things were amiss.
I looked in the garage and both bikes were there as well as his bicycles. The truck was in the front yard and all his airplanes where in their imaginary hangers. "where did he go?" You see, my husband is the most dependable man I've ever met and never does strange things like disappearing into thin air so I had to wonder what had happened to him. After searching for half an hour I became a tad bit panicked and started calling the neighbors, but no one saw anything peculiar. So I panicked some more and called his sister who just happened to be headed in the direction of Brambleberry Cottage.
She searched the neighborhood but to no avail so we decided to sit down and pray. Hello! I always say that prayer should be your first resort and not your last, but can I follow my own advise when the hubby vanishes into thin air? Nope!
After we prayed my sister-in-law decided to make another trip around the neighborhood and a few minutes after she left the land line rang and it was the missing husband...Thank you Lord!!! One of his friend's stopped by and wanted to go out for breakfast so off they went without leaving a note or any clues whatsoever. Did I mention that we had a birthday party to go to in the afternoon? We did and we were to leave the house about 12:20 and it was now 11:30 so we arrived at the party a little late.
It was my little cousin's 2nd Birthday party. She's my cousin "once removed" and such a darling little thing. That's her little gift up above. I bought her several books which are one of her favorite things as well as mine. I can spend hours in the children's section of the much fun!
Well that was my exciting adventure for yesterday and I hope not to repeat it anytime soon...the disappearing hubby act and the alarming the neighbors in the process. Can you image how embarrassed I was to call all my neighbors back and tell them he wasn't in the hospital but out to breakfast with a friend? Guess I need to learn how to think a little better before I speak :0!
What a sweet package you wrapped! I like it. Oh I have had these panic attacks about where is hubby, too. Ugh! Oh and I have never bought a treasure for a friend and then wanted to keep it....never...really ...:0) snort!
Oh my, what a day. Glad he was okay...
If you really really love her then keep her for yourself. You even said that you didn't know if your friend wanted one. But you do! LOL. Things will be ok :)
All the best,
Oh boy, been there, done that! Glad all is well in the end though. And I think it's fine to keep your lady, your friend won't mind, that is if she really is a good friend. True friends understand.
I tried and tried to find a lil house to rent with my girlfriends at Mission beach, but no luck. You lucky duck. And Balboa Park, Oh me, Oh my, that sounds like a dream. I went there alot and walked thru the art galleries.
I would have been concerned, too. ;-)
I think I would tell my friend that I purchased the lady, and that she could have it if she wants, and that if she doesn't it is okay because you can use it. Let us know the outcome.
I'm glad hubby is Ok- boy, that is scary when something out of the ordinary like that happens!
First things first: BELLY DANCING!!! How cool are you! I'm just so darn proud to be your friend. What a CUTE package. Clever idea with the butterfly. Keep the white lady. Put one of those tracking devices around hubby's ankle. **blows kisses** Deborah
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