Sunday, May 17, 2009

In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths.

Proverbs 3:6

What does it mean to "acknowledge" God in all our ways? Do we make much of God in our lives? Is He really important to us in conscious personal experience? Are we not prone to make plans and carry them out without consulting Him? True, we talk to Him about our souls and about our spiritual affairs, but do we speak to Him about our daily work, our trials, our perplexities, our weekday life. We are not to shut God out of any part of our lives. If we would be able to handle all that lies before us, we need something besides human nature, even at it's best. We must get our little lives so attached to God's life that we can draw from His fullness in every time of need.

Taken from the book, "Today, Lord, I Will"


ellen b. said...

Our little lives! Yes, indeed. We need to realize how BIG our God is...
My days are still filled full. One more drive to Orange County tomorrow Cori, and then on Friday we fly to Seattle for 5 days...yippee!! Hope your week goes well...

Tara said...

There's no other way to go forward!