Wednesday, September 17, 2008


The other night I was listening to Dr. David Jeremiah on the radio as he was talking about obedience. This has always been a spiritual goal of mine since I am by nature a rebellious child.
He had three points to his message and I'll try to remember them as best as I can.
His words are in italics while my thoughts follow.

1. Obedience is in direct relation to our hunger for God's Word. Spiritual hunger is different from physical hunger in the sense that once you eat food your body is satiated, but spiritually speaking the more you read God's Word the more your Spiritual hunger grows.

2. Obedience is learned through Habit. When I first gave my life to the Lord this was a constant prayer of mine, "Lord, help me to lay my will down and choose Yours instead." I prayed this daily and as different situations arose. Like I said, "by nature I am a rebellious child." Even Jesus was obedient to the Father and ultimately to the cross. Hebrews 5:8 says,"Though He was a Son, yet He learned obedience by the things which He suffered."

3. Obedience produces Happiness in the life of a Christian. Can we be happy when we are walking in rebellion against the Living God? I think we may try to convince ourselves of that, but I think we only deceive ourselves. So how then do we attain this happiness? Through hunger of God's Word and habit of laying down our will and choosing His instead. After all, doesn't He know what's best for us in any situation?
I believe He does.


ellen b. said...

Amen! "Trust and obey for there's no other way to be happy in Jesus but to trust and obey" :0)

One Shabby Old House said...

Ahh the O word. Even on my good days they are not good enough. So I am forever
Amazed by His Grace.

One Shabby Old House said...

Hi Cori,
I forgot to tell you that our leaves won't turn until late Dec-Jan.
Also may I have your permission to use that wonderful Victorian lady on my shabby old house blog.
I've been looking for a picture like that.
Thank you

Gone said...

Hi Cori,

Please stop in at my blog...there is an award waiting for you!!


Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Beautiful post Cori!

I was a very obediant child -- I was just telling my husband tonight how much I use to pray and worship all the time as a child. Now my worship is more action and my prayer is more inward meditation.

Hugs, Pat