Sunday, March 22, 2009

Looking unto Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith.

Hebrews 12: 2

Hold fast that which you have,
and let no one take your crown.

Let no one hinder you in pursuit of the reward.
Let nothing stand in the way of your complete victory.

Let no weariness or discouraging thought cause you to loosen the rope of faith, but bind it tighter and anchor fast to My Word.
My Word can never fail.

Taken from: "365 One-minute Meditations from Come Away My Beloved," published by Barbour Publishing, Inc. Used by Permission.

I was visiting my sweet friend Fairmaiden's blog, Sea Cottage, some time ago and she had this beautiful post that just made my heart melt. So I inquired as to who the Author was. I then went on line and bought several of her books. I simply can't take my nose out of them! The writing is just lovely.
Oh the author? Her name is Frances J. Roberts


Anonymous said...

That such a wonderful post to read today!!! Thanks so much and I will be looking up her books too .

Have a Blessed Day,

Just A Gal...

Andrea said...

Beautiful! "My word can never fail." Oh, if we could just fully grasp this reality! Thank you for sharing. Blessings.


P.S. I love the pics of your garden! So lovely! And the high tea sounds absolutely wonderful! I hope you had a great time.

ellen b. said...

Amen to His Word can never fail. We had a little presentation at church today by the Gideons. It was great again to hear of their simple but powerful ministry...

Deborah said...

Thank you for that beautiful post. Presently I am stuck on Psalm 91...also known as the soldiers prayer. I know God is truly with my son, as two grenades have crossed his path, both with the pin still in them! I believe The Lord held the pins in. My beloved Daddy sent my son his prayer book with a metal cover that traveled over his heart for three years in WII. I love knowing that Ryan has it. **blows kisses** Deborah